Sunday School
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Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
Welcome to Christian Faith Church Sunday School program. We gather at CFC every Sunday from beginning of September to mid-June to not only teach the children, but to also build a relationship with each child. We have an average of 43 children and 10 teachers. Using the David C. Cook curriculum we gather each Sunday at 9:30am.
We start each new Sunday school year with a church picnic. Several times through out the year the Sunday school students help out with the church service by performing the special number. One of the highlights of the year is always at Christmas when the whole Sunday school comes together to put on the Christmas program. At the end of each Sunday school year, in mid -June, we have a windup. This involves playing games and enjoying a meal together.